US proposal for non-bank payment providers receives widespread criticism from all.

January 30, 2024
1 min read

The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has faced backlash from industry groups, politicians, and consumer advocates over its proposed regulation of non-bank providers of digital wallets and payment apps. The CFPB’s proposal would extend regulatory supervision to companies facilitating over five million transactions per year, including Apple, Google, and Venmo. Critics argue that the move would represent a “power grab” by the CFPB and could stifle innovation and competition in the digital payments market.

The total global value of digital wallet transactions is expected to grow from $9tn in 2023 to surpass $16tn in 2028, making North America the second-largest market after China. The rapid growth of the digital payments industry has raised concerns about consumer protection and the need for regulatory oversight. Proponents of the CFPB’s proposal argue that increased regulation is necessary to ensure fair and transparent practices in the industry.

Industry groups, including banking associations, have expressed support for the CFPB’s efforts to regulate non-bank payment providers. They argue that these companies should be held to the same standards and regulations as traditional banks to protect consumers and maintain the stability of the financial system.

However, critics of the proposal claim that it would impose unnecessary and burdensome regulations on non-bank payment providers, stifling innovation and limiting consumer choice. They argue that these companies already face significant competition and scrutiny from existing regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission.

Republican and Democrat lawmakers have voiced their concerns about the CFPB’s proposal, with some arguing that it exceeds the agency’s statutory authority and should be subject to congressional oversight. Consumer advocates have also criticized the proposal, stating that it could result in higher fees and reduced access to financial services for low-income and marginalized communities.

In conclusion, the CFPB’s proposed regulation of non-bank payment providers has received significant criticism from industry groups, politicians, and consumer advocates. The debate over the need for increased regulation in the digital payments market highlights the challenges of balancing consumer protection with innovation and competition in the financial industry.

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