Cybrid transforms commerce with B2B Payments on embedded finance platform.

January 19, 2024
1 min read

Totally cool, dude! Cybrid, the kick-ass Embedded Finance provider, just announced that it has expanded its Fintech API platform to include business-to-business (B2B) payments. This is a big move that solidifies Cybrid’s position as a badass leader in financial innovation. The platform now offers a wide range of financial services, including KYC identity verification, money transfers, virtual FBO accounts, and integration with crypto onramps and offramps. Some of the sweet benefits of the platform include real-time transactions, high transaction limits, and streamlined record-keeping. Plus, it’s got a slick crypto onramp and offramp for USD Coin and Bitcoin, which makes it even more bitchin’. CEO Avinash Chidambaram said that this expansion is a major step in providing businesses with the most advanced financial tools. For all the deets on Cybrid and its killer API solutions, head over to their website.

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